Preparation for playing in high school and college teams in USA
For high school and collage players
The Prep program involves the preparation of individuals in a given time interval in order to facilitate the adaptation and more qualitative and fitting into high school and college teams in the United States.
Moreover, under this program involves finding some high schools and colleges in the United States in which users continued their future education and training
Our coaches and training experts who are involved in the training process at our basketball academy
Ivan Pijanec rođen 22.11.1992. u Pirotu. Upisao fakultet sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja u Beogradu 2013., apsolvent na smeru kondicija. Četiri godine trener na internacionalnom kampu Profesor Aleksandar Nikolić na Zlatiboru (od 2014.god ). Tokom sezone 2016/2017 pratio treninge Marka Ćosića u Mega Leksu. Od juna 2017. godine kondicioni trener u košarkaškom klubu Vizura. Individualni rad sa profesionalnim sportistima.
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